Observatory status as of Friday, July 26, 2024 @ 6:30 pm

IMPORTANT, please read this!

The telescopes are operated in the evenings year-round on Friday and Saturday from 7:30 to 10:30 pm. Generally, the observatories are open and volunteers are available to show the telescopes and explain their history and operation even when weather conditions prohibit viewing through the telescopes. The observatories are closed, however, if it is raining or the area outside the observatories is wet.

The telescopes cannot see through thick clouds. Also, to avoid condensation on the telescopes, they are not operated when the humidity is above our limits. Nellie is not operated when the humidity is above 84% and the two refractors do not operate when the humidity exceeds 89%. The current humidity at the observatories is highlighted in bold yellow, below. The normal pattern for humidity at Chabot is for it to reach a minimum in the afternoon and increase over the rest of the day. If you are looking at this in the early evening and the humidity is in the 70’s or low 80’s it is suggested that you wait twenty to thirty minutes and recheck the humidity before deciding whether or not to make the trip.

The information in the table below is accurate as of the date and time shown at the top of this page. We try to update the current information before 7:30 pm on Fridays and Saturdays, but cannot always do so.

Clear skies!

Telescope operation tonight is problematic. High humidity and cloud cover are both possible. See above and below for more information about humidity.

Leah – 8″ RefractorMay operateEpsilon Lyrae – “Double Double”
Rachel – 20″ RefractorMay operateBright star
Globular star cluster M13
Nellie – 36″ ReflectorProbably will not operateBright star
Ring Nebula M57